We are about halfway through garlic harvest, and we have also been developing dehydrated fire cider packets as well this year! We plan to have both ready for sale at our in-person market on August 26, 2022 and online sales starting September 2, 2022.
Fire Cider is an ancient herbal recipe that combines Horseradish Root, Garlic, Onion, Ginger Root, Turmeric, Cinnamon, and Cayenne Pepper in an infusion. Our family has been using it extensively for the past few years, and we can all personally attest to fire cider alleviating cold/flu symptoms very quickly. We make a batch and keep it in the refrigerator for a few months, sharing it with anyone who starts to come down with cold symptoms. Some sisters also take it as a daily tonic to prevent colds and flu.
This is a video of herbalist Rosemary Gladstone (wasn’t she just BORN to be a herbalist with that name?) on how to make fire cider. Video LINK. We have taken her hand-crafted, ancient recipe and dehydrated it for easy use. This is the first year we will be selling it to the public, so check it out!

Correction: Rosemary Gladstar
thank you!