*** Online sales for garlic and fire cider begin Monday, Aug 29, 2022. Click on our Shop link to order. ***
We are blessed that we are able to have frequent visits and potlucks with extended family, including aunties and uncles, cousins, and all the newest generations. A few weeks ago we were able to celebrate a 90th birthday celebration on one side of the family, and have a big potluck with the other side of the family. Staying close to our extended family is one of our core values. The support and love that we feel from our family is priceless.

We are also blessed to enjoy Grandma Gen’s raspberry patch, as well as many of the fruit trees that my mother Shirley planted. There’s a black walnut tree behind the farmhouse that we have not paid a lot of attention to so far. I’m curious to learn more about black walnut trees and harvest the walnuts.

The heirloom flowers on the farm bring memories to mind and a smile to our faces! Grandma Gen had beautiful lilac bushes, and these interesting, tall, yellow daisy-like flowers. Our mother loved phlox and peonies, and we have all of those beautiful flowers here with us on the farm today!

The farm is a blessing in so many ways, and we are thankful for our heritage!