New Year Cheer

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to all of you, from 5 Sisters Organics.   We had a lovely Christmas celebration together, complete with

  • all 36 members of our family
  • charcuterie feast
  • White Elephant present game
  • kazoo humalong
  • ice skating
  • board games
  • loads of laughter and love.

This year we had a first-time visit from Santa (aka Uncle Scotty).  Some of the children cheered when they saw him, some cried!   “Santa” took the opportunity to dip-kiss Auntie Becky, to which one small niece exclaimed indignantly, “Mom, does she even KNOW him?”  ?

We celebrate family and faith together as often as we can (that takes some scheduling!).  Christmas was a wonderful time together, and we look forward to tending our garlic together this summer as well.  Blessings to all of you in the New Year.

Author: Joan Vaughn

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